Lifematics Inc. ライフマティックス株式会社

Message from the CEO

Supporting the Evolution of Research as a Partner in Digital Innovation

Thank you for visiting the Lifematics website.

Our company was founded with the mission of improving the massive investment costs of drug discovery in Japan—10 years and 300 billion yen for new drug development. We wanted to help pharmaceutical researchers who are passionate about delivering medicines to patients as quickly as possible and saving more lives. By supporting researchers, we indirectly contribute to humanity, which brings us both joy and a strong sense of purpose. To achieve this, we have continuously refined cutting-edge IT technologies and provided IT services that accelerate research.

From the very beginning, our mission has been to deliver the benefits of rapidly advancing technology to researchers and businesses working tirelessly to enrich society. By accelerating research and business initiatives, we help uncover new knowledge. We firmly believe that our mission—"delivering technological advancements to society"—leads to a better life for people, and we will continue working toward this goal.

In today's world, where AI-driven information revolutions are advancing rapidly, even long-term research-driven industries must build organizations capable of responding to sudden changes, such as pandemics. Many of our clients are experimenting with digital transformation (DX) initiatives alongside their core work, trying to enhance their ability to adapt to drastic societal changes and create new value that drives transformation.

At Lifematics, we proactively engage in DX experimentation, accumulating expertise that we then share with our clients. By doing so, we help reduce their trial-and-error period and enable them to experience the benefits of DX as quickly as possible. As part of our 2025 vision, we have set the goal of becoming a DX role model that client companies aspire to emulate.

Moving forward, Lifematics will continue to pursue technological advancements and remain committed to contributing to research and society. We sincerely hope to create new value and shape the future together with our clients.

We appreciate your continued support.

Chiho Terachi
CEO, Lifematics



